precious things exist without defense

precious things exist without defense
"love for dark blue"

donderdag 4 december 2014

diplomacy for Fox LA - Fairbanks interventions inc.

our Candy King the Clef

wij maakten goede voornemens en zijn vol ambitie//hi mr. Martin! Here we your service in....//

comment: we cannot believe in we will never meet some people meaningful to us, yes, Jesus inspiration is seductive too...

Limassol - Cyprus - Williams - 1921 - Nat.Geogr.

National Geographic provided for a short attention to a dear issue like an example of what will be possible. Hope lives my words will be picked up// "Hi Barabara dear! I would finally like it metter to lay down my ass on a bench at the beach of Mailibu"

quote Aegina clem: 
"East is East, West is West, Life is short, never dive on a dolphin wife."


Woman With Birdcage, Afghanistan

Photograph by Thomas Abercrombie
Spanning almost a century of global upheaval and riveting human drama, the book Odysseys and Photographs follows the careers of Maynard Owen Williams, Volkmar Wentzel, Luis Marden, and Tom Abercrombie—a stellar quartet of National Geographic photographers who used their cameras to record a truly remarkable era. See some of the book's most striking images in this gallery, and read what the photographers themselves had to say.
"Denied face and form by age-old custom, a woman of Kabul secludes herself in a sleeveless silk chadri; a pair of Old World goldfinches rides home from the market on her head. Reflecting the forces of change at work in the land, Afghan law no longer requires the chadri, whose pleats echo a style of centuries ago."
—Thomas Abercrombie
National Geographic magazine, September 1968
Afghan woman caring us a lot - a sign of hope